
The ASFS Listserv, available to members only, is an online moderated community managed via Google Groups.

To renew or become a member, please visit: Berg’s website

Information derived from this listserv should be cited as follows:  Author, Electronic communication, Listserv of the Association for the Study of Food and Society, Date,

The Listserv is a communications forum created and designed for the membership of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) to discuss issues and share news related to food and society.  This is a moderated list.  That means posts to the list are individually approved by the moderator.  The list is moderated daily but there is often a lag due to technical and human limitations.  Posts are rejected for any number of reasons.  These include:

  • Spam
  • Ads/press releases from non-ASFS members
  • Off-topic emails
  • Ready reference questions that could easily be answered through a search engine
  • Responses intended for or only relevant to a single member
  • Duplicate or similar responses
  • Quick/insignificant responses (i.e. “I agree.”)
  • Inappropriate responses
  • Posts that begin a thread recently ended

In all, I tend toward the side of inclusion but reject about 1/3 of the posts for the reasons listed above.

Also, traffic and member complaints prompted a consideration of listserv advertising policy at the Portland meeting.  Here is the policy:

  • ASFS current members are free to announce food studies-related work they are doing at any time on the list.  Examples include new books released, new initiatives/positions, media accolades, etc.
  • Non-members and other organizations can post press releases and ad-type postings for free if they are consistent with the organization’s mission AND provide some tangible benefit to ASFS members.  Examples would be discounts, event invitations, publishing opportunities, etc. for ASFS members.  You’ve seen some of these.
  • Other food and society related advertising can be accepted as sponsored messages on a case-by-case basis.  Such messages will be labelled “Sponsored Message.”

Forgive the length of these instructions but I hope you will find them helpful as we move forward as a community.

Jon Deutsch

Listserv Moderator